Friday, June 30, 2017

The Year of Pie

Audio Version available on Soundcloud

On the eighth day we said pie and ate Cake,
map of sacred scabs Cake,
Cake for gullets, and for mom, and guillotine Cake to rhyme the world with Cake, Inflammation airbag carrot Cake to buffalo the buffalo’d buffalo Cake Burn the ruins red velvet dawn Cake Cake to lace the bell and uvula Cake you coulda swore you already ate Cake to slime the bush, worth more than Cake in hand Alternative Cake without calories Cake in a pan of teeth Thumb Cake to scoop the Cake dream from the Cake cauldron of my Cake eye Crow and seagull Cake Waterbed Cake plump above my belt Cake as the definite article definitively Cake as expressive response and sophistry Mandated Cake tubes with no option for off 쿵 Cake and 쿵쿵 Cake Framed Cake nailed to the mantle Cake on the test beside every bubble peace Cake deaf Cake greater good for the great Cake
And pie we keep legal cuz owls don’t tweet
no one pays mind that pie’s not stocked
ain’t no mind that the filling’s gone to pot
the demand itself an affront we dub rot Cake traitor Cake the Cake of snowflakes and pie aint love because Cake is Cake And how dare I say pie now How dare you let my pie touch your ears Shame you fucks you SJWs and godless cucks The only paradise is victorys outrage How dare I speak pie words when Cake is my birthright bonafide When the Cakes I know and the Cakes from long ago Caked these old worlds new The only words written are written on Cake What Benedict what limpwristed hack mick hipster Cake and mucker Cake kraut millennial carpetbagger failed mackerel snapper Cake am I Cake am I And Kevin is Cake The fitin Cake Faggot Cake The liar Cake and fear dusted appeasal triple k Cake A swelling sponge of antibiotic sacrifice An intersectional malignance Cake a million times multiplied A nestled in despair Cake A purpled star and overgrown heart A pair of eyes set inside eye fattened dark An erectly valued member My souls drip their blood at the windowsill
Arouse! For you must justify me…
What fucking wrench, what new tongue dispenses this taste?
It is you talking just as much as myself, I act as the tongue of you,
Tied in your mouth, in mine it begins to be loosen’d.
The undying American, the maggot-glistened sister patriot,
You’ve got Cake in your beard as well, gray man,
you’re just unblasted scraps in the canon
I fold laundry, write sonnets and spite the doggerel
...each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll,
My left hand hooking you round the waist,
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents and the public road
You’re heavy there, Wally, but I’m too stuffed to tintinnabulate.
Soy y estoy en la luz que me produce,
vivo en la sombra que me determina
Come on, Pablito, I can’t habla
En poesía se permite todo
Dammit, your Americas include much more than mine
We came here to get away from false promises
Fine then! That is fine. Pie am I eternal and Cake no less nor lost
It’s not a god to whom I plead forgiveness
and may sweetness melt the frost
The multitude pie, the exile pie, the dirty, cracked, creative pie,
wild to fill harmonies, spatula-mad to the whit,
our thumbprints in dough, met and merging,
I serve fresh, à la mode, reheated for those I missed
Apple pie, key lime, cherry, pecan,
Mississippi mud, lemon meringue, peach pie and pumpkin,
These are not the parts and poems of the body only
mother’s hands are whirling the mix,
Achieve our country
sweet potato, flan, coconut cream,
The impossible is the least that one can demand
Cake will not drown our tongues in the christen
We are the ones who are who we are
I breathe out pie with the choir
We go on singing this America
Serve it up!
Cake be not death but wake for the living

* “쿵” by Kim Ji Ha, all italicized lines are quotes from Walt Whitman (1-6, 11), Pablo Neruda (7,8), Nicanor Parra (9), Jimmy Santiago Baca (10), James Baldwin (12, 13), June Jordan (14)

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